Call: 570-489-3292
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About  Us
Poli-Vision Giant Screen TV was established by Ralph J. Policichio Jr in 1975
in his hometown of Throop, PA to manufacture giant screen projection TVs for 
home theater, schools, sports bars, and business. In that year the name Poli-Vision ®
​was registered with the United States Register and Copyright Office.

In 1978 he wrote a 35 page instruction manual on how to build a giant screen 
projection TV. In that year this instruction manual was registered with the Copyright
office of the United States.

In 1979 Ralph was joined by his wife-to-be Deborah J. Coviello. Together they
marketed high quality "Do-It-Yourself" Giant Screen TV Kits through magazines such as Popular Science, Popular Mechanics, Home Mechanics, Wood Working, and Video.
​Thousands of these "do-it-yourself" Giant Screen TV Kits were sold every year 
throughout the world. ( details )

In 1982 Poli-Vision teamed up with several 3-tube manufacturers such as  Sony,
Barco, NEC, Kloss, and Zenith, and sold and installed hundreds of these units every year.

In 1996 Poli-Vision teamed up with just about all the projectors manufacturers
of that time, including SharpVision, Sony, JVC, Infocus, Project-A-Vision,
Davis, NEC, Sanyo, Epson, and others. Hundreds of these units were sold and
installed every year.

Poli-Vision now markets, sells and installs hundreds of home theater products including 
projectors, projection screens, anamorphic lens systems, home theater audio systems, 
audio and video processors, and whole house audio systems.

Poli-Vision's commitment is to provide customers with high quality home theater products
with local installation, at the lowest prices, with the best possible service, striving to provide the highest level of customer satisfaction.

Poli-vision started out when the resolution of a good quality picture was only 480i, 
then moved up to 720i, then to 1080p, and 4K. Now we are very excited with the
new "Ultra High Definition"  8K Models. We are very proud of all the accomplishments
obtained for the entire long life of our company, and plan to serve the home theater 
community with the best in audio and video products for many, many more years to come.
Thank you very much for your interest !

                             "OUR 50th YEAR"   1975  -  2025

   ​Poli-Vision ® PH: 570-489-3292           polivision@aol.com
Poli-Vision ®      © 1975     All   Rights  Reserved